Wherever you currently are in your life, all you have to do is choose to LIVE it!
Regardless of where you currently are in your life, you have a life to live your powerful Warrior adventure and journey. All you have to do is choose to live it! After all, this is your life. Tell your story. One of the most powerful things you are able to do is share your story. Love it, live it, and share it. Are you open and ready to live and be the best that you are? Are you living your great adventure? Your present situation merely determines where you start. Wherever you are right now, is simply a new starting point. Upon reflection, I realize that I wasted blocks of my life. You may run or dance as fast as you are able to, distracting yourself from the inner work that you require for yourself, and ultimately, all this activity will do is falsely fill a void for you. To increase inner peace, you must find the courage to examine and embrace all aspects of yourself—the positive, the negative, the light, the dark, the happy, the sad, the new, and the old.
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